Tuesday, May 16, 2017


While organizing this exhibition, I learned about how having a theme in mind and searching for pieces that fit that theme actually frees you to see elements in the art that were unnoticed before. I began looking for this element of fear in unlikely places. This helped me to realize the depth, scope, and ubiquity of such a feeling. I realized that it pervades much of artistic expression. It felt quite natural to know when a piece resonated with the theme - I knew it right away. On the other hand, it was a challenge to describe the elements and principals of design because I tend to absorb a piece as a whole, and sometimes have a hard time distilling the elements used. However, I feel I improved at this skill as a result of this project.

I have a newfound respect for art curators, because it requires a kind of surety to know that other people will feel the same about a piece as you do. One also must possess a kind of charisma to convince those who are skeptical that these are the right pieces to share. Above all it takes an emotional sensitivity that can utilize sense perception in a way that finds commonality across various sensorial inputs.

It was a pleasure to work on such a project and to deepen my understanding of art through this course. Many thanks to Professor McCambly for this opportunity!

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